13 seminars
ROSS DALY: “Where does this Music Come from?”
HARRIS LAMBRAKIS The Ney in a Broader Context
BIJAN CHEMIRANI: The Aesthetics of Percussion in Contemporary Cross-cultural projects/
KELLY THOMA: Music Group
STELIOS PETRAKIS: Contemporary Cretan Compositions
ZOHAR FRESCO: Rhythmology & Percussion for Musicians (who play instruments other than percussion)
YURDAL TOKCAN: Turkish OudGIORGOS & NIKOS PAPAIOANNOU: The Violin & The Cello in Modal Music
ROSS DALY: Structure & Phrasing of Makam
ALEIX TOBIAS SABATER: Rhythmology & Percussion of Iberia (Cajon, Frame Drums, etc.)
GIORGIS MANOLAKIS/ ΓΙΩΡΓΗΣ ΜΑΝΩΛΑΚΗΣ: Cretan Lute (Techniques & Repertoire)/
ZACHARIAS SPYRIDAKIS: Cretan Lyra - Techniques of “Kostas Mountakis”
EFREN LOPEZ: Music Group
NEGAR BOUBAN: The Oud in Persian Music